Highly acclaimed service provider to global businesses
Our principal associate is VK Mehta & Co. with international presence of over six decades. The principal stakeholder of VA Mehta & Co., Mr. V.A. Mehta has been an active player of VK Mehta & Co. since 1992. Established in 1961, VK Mehta & Co. has been a highly acclaimed service provider to global business on a host of accounting, tax and finance related issues. VK Mehta & Co. was a member of AGN International, a global association of accounting firms with members in over 80 countries. The Firm has been approved by the U.S. Agency for International Development for conducting financial audits contracted by foreign recipients.
Our other associate, VA Mehta & Associates LLP was setup in 2016 with the same objective of serving national and international clientele in areas of accounting, audit, legal and tax matters.